The goal of the Lung Biology and Cystic Fibrosis Research Center is to advance fundamental knowledge related to the causes of disease and to develop new treatments. For more than four decades, basic and clinical scientists and trainees at the University of Iowa have brought a broad and multidisciplinary approach to bear upon a variety of pulmonary diseases, and their research has changed the lives of patients and brought international recognition. 

The Center supports fellowships in CF-related research, and interacts closely with the Clinical Center to facilitate translation of basic science to patients and to encourage clinical research.

Areas of research expertise in this center include:

airway epithelial cell biologycystic fibrosisimaging
airway epithelial cell biologylung developmention transport
animal modelsgenomicsrespiratory infections
antimicrobial peptidesgene therapystem cell biology
asthmahost defensevirology
COPDhost-pathogen interactions 

Research Cores

Lung Biology and Cystic Fibrosis Research Center investigators are committed to making advances that will impact the lives of those affected by lung disease. The center supports several cores that provide specialized expertise, develop new methodologies, attract new scientists, and serve as a catalyst for CF research.